Schuck House Supply Systems: Streamlined Installations

Schuck house transition products offer a consistent installation process across various media, with the majority of installations utilizing the same core set of accessories. The key differentiator lies in the specific installation environment and its corresponding demands on building waterproofing.

Here's the beauty – you only have two scenarios to consider:

  1. Non-Pressing Water and Soil Moisture (W1-E, DIN 18533): This applies when encountering typical ground moisture without any pressurized water concerns.

  2. Pressing Water up to 3 Meters (W2.1-E, DIN 18533): This scenario involves managing water pressure up to a depth of 3 meters.

In cases where the water exposure class is unclear, opting for the pressing water installation (W2.1-E) is always the recommended approach to ensure maximum security. This guarantees a compliant installation adhering to relevant standards such as DVGW VP601, DIN 18533, and GW390.

Even with white tubs (WU concrete), both installation methods remain viable.

Installation W1.1-2-general ot.png
Installation W2.1-E-general ot.png


For this purpose, we have created graphics for the respective house introductions.

Particularly practical: The pictures show the installation situations and also the accessories with part numbers and where they are used.

Installation of the MHP modular house entry for electricity and water pipes:

In order to make optimal use of the advantages of the Schuck modular house entry MHP and to make the installation even more comfortable and efficient, Schuck offers an extensive range of original installation accessories. More information and downloads at Schuck-Group (external link).

Installation W1.1-2-MHP.png
Installation W2.1-E-MHP.png

Installation of the HSP gas house entry:

The Schuck gas house entry HSP impresses with its easy installation, high flexibility and durability. In order to make optimal use of the system's advantages and to make installation even safer and more comfortable, Schuck offers an extensive range of original installation accessories. More information and downloads at Schuck-Group (external link).

Installation W1.1-2-HSP.png
Installation W2.1-E-HSP.png

Installation of the WHP water house entry:

The Schuck water house entry WHP offers a safe and reliable solution for connecting water pipes in single- and multi-family homes. Schuck offers an extensive range of original installation accessories. More information and downloads at Schuck-Group (external link).

Installation W1.1-2-WHP.png
Installation W2.1-E-WHP.png

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